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Between September 2020 and March 2021, Inspiring Healthy Futures engaged a diverse group of youth, parents, service providers, youth-serving agencies, cross-sector experts and researchers, and others.  


The youth who participated envision a future where racial and gender equity and belonging can be taken for granted, where everyone has access to the basics of life, where climate change and clean environments are priorities, and where the voices of children and youth are fully engaged in shaping decisions.

Inspiring Healthy Futures is a launching point for mobilizing committed, passionate communities in a shared mission.



About UNICEF Canada’s One Youth

UNICEF Canada’s One Youth is working to make Canada the best place in the world to grow up in. As the global UN agency for kids, UNICEF has worked to improve conditions for every child around the world for 75 years, and has saved more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization. UNICEF Canada’s One Youth brings that work to Canada by measuring child and youth well-being, and advocating for the right to a childhood.

About Children’s Healthcare Canada

Children’s Healthcare Canada is a national association representing health service delivery organizations serving children and youth across the continuum of care. Through purposeful partnerships, we accelerate excellence and innovation in health systems caring for children and youth.


About Pediatric Chairs of Canada

The Pediatric Chairs of Canada represents the Department Heads (Chairs) of Pediatrics within the seventeen Canadian medical schools. Collectively they provide national leadership in research and education to promote the health and healthcare of children and youth in Canada.

About CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH)

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is Canada’s federal funding agency for health research. IHDCYH is one of 13 CIHR institutes and supports research that ensures the best start in life for all Canadians and the achievement of their potential for optimal growth and development. CIHR-IHDCYH supports researchers located in universities, hospitals and other research centres, and creates linkages with other stakeholders across Canada.




Julia Anderson,

Canadian Partnership for Women & Children’s Health

Jocelynn Cook,

Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada

Marie-Adele Davis,

Canadian Pediatric Society

Brent Diverty,

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Julie Drury, Parent partner;

Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement

Vivek Gill, IHDCYH Youth Advisor

Jennifer Gillivan, Board Chair,

CCHF, Foundation President IWK

Rachel Gouin, Child Welfare League of Canada

Cassandra Hallett, Canadian Teachers Federation


Julia Hanigsberg, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab

Katherine Hay, Kids Help Phone

Zain Ismail, Henry Ford Health System

Paul Kershaw, Generation Squeeze

Annie Kidder, People for Education

David Morley, UNICEF Canada

Jane Philpott, Queen’s University

Melanie Redman, A Way Home Canada

Leila Sarangi, Campaign 2000

Erika Shaker, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Katharine Smart, Canadian Medical Association

Nora Spinks, Vanier Institute for the Family

Bruce Squires, Children’s Healthcare Canada

Kelly Stone, Families Canada

Anjum Sultana, YWCA



Christine Alden, Lawson Foundation

Sara Austin, Children First Canada

Stephen Barbazuk, Maternal Infant Child and
Youth Research Network (MICYRN)

Susanne Benseler, Alberta Children’s Hospital
Research Institute

Susan Bissaillon, Safehaven

Eric Breton, Family Network Community Health Centre

Roger Chafe, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Jean Clinton, McMaster University

Bob Connelly, Pediatric Chairs of Canada

Kristin Connor, Carleton University

Devanshi Desai, Young Canadians Roundtable
on Health

Joanne Downing, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab

Julie Drury, Parent partner, Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement

Erika Dupuis, Young Canadians Roundtable on Health

Peter Gill, Sick Kids Hospital

Cassandra Hallett, Canadian Teachers Federation

Lynda Kuhn, Maple Leaf Foods

Thierry Lacaze, MICYRN

Don Lindsay, Teck Resources

Andrew Lynk, Pediatric Chairs of Canada

Sharif Mahdy, Students Commission of Canada

Rachel Martens, Parent partner,
CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research

Dwayne Matthews, Evangelist and Future of

Education Strategist

Steven Miller, Institute of Human Development,
Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH) Advisory Board

Taylor Morriseau, Youth Leader

Anne-Monique Nuyt, IHDCYH Advisory Board

Christine Hampson, The Sandbox Project

Mark Hierlihy, Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations

Clara Ho, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab

Kate Horton, Ronald McDonald House

Lauren Kelly, Dept of Pediatrics, University of Manitoba

Mobeen Lalani, Young Canadians Roundtable on Health

Frank MacMaster, Alberta Children’s Hospital

Research Institute

Shauna MacEachern, Frayme Representative

Annette Majnemer, Child Bright/McGill University

Joanne Maxwell, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab

Merryn Maynard, Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security

Jessica Nkongolo, YMCA Canada

Eki Okungbowa, IHDCYH Youth Advisory Council

Stephen Patrick, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Debra Pepler, York University

Niloufar Pourzand, UNICEF consultant

Alison Quigley, Trillium Health Partners

Susan Samuel, Canadian Child Health Clinician

Scientist Program (CCHCSP)

Mahendra Sheth, Regional consultant for the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO EMRO)

Keiko Shikako-Thomas, McGill University

Jessica Stepic, YMCA Canada

Gina Uppal, Western University and Bowhead Health

Cecilia VanEgmond, Health Canada

Annika Waschke, IHDCYH Youth Advisory Council

Aminata Wurie, CanWaCH

Laura Wittman, YMCA Canada

Adrienne Zarem, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab

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